579 research outputs found

    Numerical Solution of Mixed Volterra – Fredholm Integral Equation Using the Collocation Method

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             معادلات فولتيرا- فريدهولم التكاملية المختلط ((MVFIEs لديها اهتمام كبير من قبل الباحثين مؤخرا . الطريقة العددية الي اقترحت لحل هذا النوع من المعادلات تستعمل نقاط التجميع وتقريب الحل بواسطة الدالة  اساس الشعاعي (radial basis function)  و متعددة حدود من الدرجة الثانية واندراج النقطة من دون استخدام الشبكة, ولسهولة  الحل تم استخدام اصفار متعددة حدود ليجندر كنقاط تجمع. الغرض الرئيسي من استخدام دالة أساس الشعاعي ومتعدد الحدود هو التغلب على التفرد الذي قد يرتبط بأساليب التجميع. علاوة على ذلك، فإن وظيفة الاستيفاء التي تم الحصول عليها تمر عبر كل النقاط المنتشرة في مجال ما ، وبالتالي فإن وظائف الشكل هي من خصائص خاصية دلتا. تمت مقارنة الحل الدقيق للحلول الانتقائية بالنتائج التي تم الحصول عليها من التجارب العددية من أجل التحقق من دقة وكفاءة طريقتنا.Volterra – Fredholm integral equations (VFIEs) have a massive interest from researchers recently. The current study suggests a collocation method for the mixed Volterra - Fredholm integral equations (MVFIEs)."A point interpolation collocation method is considered by combining the radial and polynomial basis functions using collocation points". The main purpose of the radial and polynomial basis functions is to overcome the singularity that could associate with the collocation methods. The obtained interpolation function passes through all Scattered Point in a domain and therefore, the Delta function property is the shape of the functions. The exact solution of selective solutions was compared with the results obtained from the numerical experiments in order to investigate the accuracy and the efficiency of scheme

    An Ecological Survey of Benthic Invertebrates in Three Sites in Shatt-Al-Kufa at Al-Najaf Province, Iraq

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          أجريت الدراسة الحالية من اجل التعرف على تركيب مجتمع اللافقريات القاعية فضلا عن دراسة بعض العوامل المرتبطة بنوعية المياه في شط الكوفة، تضمنت الدراسة اختيار ثلاثة مواقع في شط الكوفة، إذ جمعت عينات المياه ونماذج اللافقريات القاعية خلال الفترة من شهر شباط 2014 الى كانون الثاني 2015 .  شملت الدراسة اللااحيائية قياس كل من الكلوروفيل a والملوحة والمواد الصلبة الذائبة الكلية والمتطلب الكيموحيوي للأوكسجين والعسرة الكلية والنترات والكبريتات. أما الدراسة الإحيائية فتضمنت تحديد تركيب مجتمع اللافقريات القاعية من خلال دراسة كل من معدل الكثافة السكانية ومؤشر الوفرة النسبية لهذه الأحياء ودليل جاگارد للتشابه بين المواقع المدروسة. بلغ عدد اللافقريات القاعية التي جمعت في هذه الدراسة 28 وحدة تصنيفية توزعت على المجاميع الرئيسة الاربع الاتية (ثمان وحدات تصنيفية للديدان الحلقية وسبعة لمجموعة الحشرات وعشرة للنواعم وثلاث وحدات تصنيفية للديدان الخيطية)، وكانت اعلى نسبة للديدان الحلقية اذ بلغت 40.8% من مجموع اللافقريات القاعية تلتها الحشرات بنسبة 30.3 % ثم النواعم والديدان الخيطية بنسبة 28.4 %, 0.5% على التوالي. وقد اظهرت اللافقريات القاعية علاقات موجبة وسالبة مع العوامل الفيزيائية والكيميائية المدروسة.    The present study was conducted to determine the structure of benthic invertebrates community, as well as a study of some factors associated with water quality in Shatt Al-Kufa. The study was included a choice of three sites located along the Shatt Al-Kufa River, water samples and benthic invertebrates were collected during the period from February 2014 to January 2015.     The abiotic study included measurements of chlorophyll a, salinity, total dissolved solids, biochemical oxygen demand, total hardness, nitrate, and sulfate. The biotic study included the determination the composition of the benthic invertebrates community through the study of the mean population density, the relative abundance index of these organisms and the Jaccard Coefficient was calculated to identify the value of similarity between the studied sites. In the present study, 28 taxa of benthic invertebrates were recorded belong to 4 main groups which are: 8 taxa belonged to Annelida, 7 belonged to Insecta, 10 belonged to Mollusca, 3 belonged to Nematoda. Annelida recorded the highest percentage 40.8% of the total number of benthic invertebrates, Insecta with 30.3%, Mollusca and Nematoda with 28.4 %, 0.5% respectively. Benthic invertebrate has shown positive and negative relationships with the studied physical and chemical characteristics

    Geomagnetic Kp Index and Planetary Magnetosphere Size Relationship: for Mercury and Jupiter During two Types of Geomagnetic Conditions

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    يرتبط المؤشر Kp بالعديد من خصائص الماكنيتوسفير، والذي يستخدم لقياس مستوى النشاط المغناطيسي. تم اختيار اثنين من أكثر الكواكب المختلفة في النظام الشمسي، عطارد بمجاله المغناطيسي الضعيف وكوكب المشتري بمجاله المغناطيسي القوي لهذه الدراسة لحساب نصف قطر الماكنيتوسفير للكوكب (RMP) والذي يمثل حجم الماكنيتوسفير ومقارنته بالنشاط الشمسي من خلال المؤشر Kp ولنوعين من العواصف الجيومغناطيسية الهادئة والقوية وللفترة (2016-2018). من النتائج تبين ان هنالك علاقة عسكية بينهما خلال العواصف القوية، في حين ان هذه العلاقة تكون طردية في حالة النشاط الجيومغناطيسي الهادئ. وايضا لوحظ ان هنالك تقلص في حجم الماكنيتوسفير اثناء العواصف القوية مقارنة بالحالة الهادئة وللكوكبين المختارين عطارد والمشتري. يمكن ان نستنتج من هذه النتائج ان العلاقة بين نوع العاصفة وحجم الماكنيتوسفير لايعتمد على قوة المجال المغناطيسي للكوكب وبعده عن الشمس.     Kp index correlates with the many magnetosphere properties, which are used to measure the level of magnetic activity. In the solar system, the two different planets, Mercury with weak magnetic field and Jupiter with strong magnetic field, are selected for this study to calculate the planet's magnetosphere radius (RMP) which represents the size of magnetosphere compared with solar activity through Kp index,  through two types of geomagnetic conditions; quiet and strong for the period (2016-2018). From the results, we found that there are reversible relations between them during strong geomagnetic storms, while there are direct relations during quiet geomagnetic conditions. Also it is found that there is a reduction in the size of magnetosphere during the strong geomagnetic storms as compared to the magnetosphere size during geomagnetic quiet conditions for the two planets: Mercury and Jupiter. We can conclude from these results that the relation between storm type and magnetosphere size is independent of the strength of planetary surface magnetic field and their distance from the Sun

    Experimental and Numerical Evaluation of the Fundamental Natural ‎Frequency of a Spherical Core Sandwich Structure.‎

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      مقدمة: الهدف من هذه الدراسة هو التحقق من تأثير متغيرات العوامل الجيومترية عدديا وتجريبيا على خاصية التردد الطبيعي لألواح ساندويج ذات قلب كروي . هذه الالواح مصنعة بطريقة أبتكارية بواسطة أستخدام شمع النحت التعليمي . العوامل الجيومترية هي قطر الكرة وسمك الوجه والمسافة بين الكرات. طرق العمل: طبقا لمنهجية استجابة السطوح - تصميم التجارب تم تصميم 15 عينة وفق طريقة بوكس-بيهنكن  وأعتمادا على الظروف التجريبية لحدود قيم كل متغير. المادة الأساس في الصب هي البوليستر الغير مشبع . الطول الفعال لجميع العينات المصنعة كان ثابتا بقيمة 20 سم. تم تقييم التردد الطبيعي عدديا باستخدام نظرية العناصر المحددة وعمليا باستخدام الاختبار المشروط  وحساب الفارق بينهما. تأثير المتغيرات الجيومترية تم تحليلها بأستخدام نظرية تحليل التباين الإحصائية. الأستنتاجات: بينت هذه الدراسة فهما جيدا لتأثير المتغيرات الجيومترية لألواح ساندويج ذات قلب كروي عل خاصية التردد الطبيعي. النتائج العملية والعددية بينت  فارقا في القيم لم يتجاوز 15% أما النتائج الإحصائية فبينت ان المسافة بين الكرات كان لها تاثير كبير جدا ورئيسي على جميع المتغيرات الجيومترية الأخرى. سمك الوجه وقطر الكرة كان لهما تاثير أقل وفقا الى تلك البيانات.Background: This study investigates the effect of the variation of the geometrical factors on the fundamental natural frequency of the novel spherical core sandwich structure numerically and experimentally.  These novel structure are made up by using carving wax. The geometrical factors are diameter of sphere, skin thickness and spacing between spheres. Materials and Methods: Fifteen specimens according to response surface methodology - design of experiments  and using Box-Behnken method were manufactured from unsaturated polyester material with different geometry while maintaining a 20 cm effective length. The fundamental natural frequency was evaluated according to two methods numerically by using finite element analysis and experimentally by using the modal test. ANOVA statistical analysis was used to evaluate the effect of the geometrical factors on the natural frequency Results: The results show that the discrepancy between these methods was less than 15%. The spacing between the spheres was a dominant factor that influence the fundamental natural frequency. The sphere diameter is a less dominant factor while the skin thickness has a minor influence on the fundamental natural frequency of the spherical core sandwich structure. Conclusions: This study provides a better understanding of the influence of the geometrical properties of the structure on the fundamental natural frequency. The most influential factor on the fundamental natural frequency is the spacing between the spheres while The diameter of the sphere has less influence, while the skin thickness has a minor effect on the fundamental natural frequency

    Economic Determinants of Capital Flight in Jordan: An Empirical Study

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    The aim of this study is to estimate the constraints of Capital Flight during the period from 2000 to 2013. The statistical analysis showed a positive statistical significant relationship between the external public debt, taxes, economic openness, previous capital flight, and Capital flight in Jordan. However, it also showed a negative statistical significant relationship between the growth rate of the economy and capital flight. This was together with the most important recommendations of the need to monitor the flight of capital through creating a Department in the central bank to control money flight. Therefore, this was aimed in reducing the external public debts that increase the phenomenon of Capital flight and cooperate with international institutions and the United Nations to locate the place of money flight

    Effect of fire smoke on some biochemical parameters in firefighters of Saudi Arabia

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Firefighters who are facing fires, are frequently exposed to hazardous materials including carbon monoxide, hydrogen cyanide, hydrogen chloride, benzene, sulphur dioxide, etc. This study aimed to evaluate some relevant serum biochemical and blood hematological changes in activity involved firefighters in comparison to normal subjects.</p> <p>Subjects and Methods</p> <p>Two groups of male firefighters volunteered to participate in the study. The first included 28 firefighters from Jeddah, while the second included 21 firefighters from Yanbu, with overall age ranged 20–48 years. An additional group of 23 male non-firefighters volunteered from both cities as normal control subjects, of age range 20–43 years. Blood samples were collected from all volunteer subjects and investigated for some relevant serum biochemical and blood hematological changes.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The results obtained showed that, there were statistically significant differences in liver function, kidney function, serum lipid profile, cortisol, creatine kinase, lactate dehydrogenase, iron and its biologically active derivatives, and blood picture in firefighters as compared with the normal control group. These results indicate that, fire smoke mainly affects serum biochemical and blood hematological parameters. Such results might point out to the need for more health protective and prophylactic measures to avoid such hazardous health effects that might endanger firefighters under their highly drastic working conditions.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Besides using of personal protective equipments for firefighters to protect them against exposure to toxic materials of fire smoke, it is recommended that, firefighters must be under continuous medical follow up through a standard timetabled medical laboratory investigations to allow for early detection of any serum biochemical or blood hematological changes that might happen during their active service life and to allow for early treatment whenever necessary.</p

    An Outcome-Based Assessment And Improvement System For Measuring Student Performance And Course Effectiveness

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    The evaluation of students’ expected performance and course effectiveness play a vital role in determining the course contribution toward meeting the program’s learning objectives or outcomes. The success of any course not only requires a well-designed syllabus with clearly defined course learning outcomes and the use of appropriate outcome-based teaching and assessment methods, but also a systematic approach to document and analyze the entire assessment data and results. Such an approach will be helpful in providing a better insight and understanding of students’ competency levels achieved in all course learning outcomes which ultimately would facilitate course instructors in their efforts to improve course curricula and to introduce reforms in teaching and assessment processes. This paper presents a simple and easy-to-use system that aids course instructors in recording and analyzing the results of various assessment instruments administered in their courses. A detailed analysis provided by the system would also guide curriculum planners and assessors in suggesting reforms and improvements at the program level

    Factors Affecting Malaysian young consumers’ online purchase intention in social media websites

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    AbstractThe objective of this study was to examine factors that influence Malaysian young consumers’ online purchase intention through social media. The technology acceptance model and the theory of reasoned action were employed to develop the conceptual framework. Three factors, namely perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness and subjective norm were tested. Data were gathered from 297 undergraduate students using the stratified sampling method and multiple regression analysis were conducted to analyse the data. The results revealed that perceived usefulness was the most dominant factors that influence young consumers’ online purchase intention through social media, followed by perceived ease of use and subjective norm. The practical implications of this study were discussed

    The Impact of Normal Physiological Fluctuation of Progesterone Hormone on Peak Expiratory Flow Rate in Premenopausal Women in A sample of Iraqi

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    This study was performed to determine normal physiological fluctuation of serum progesterone Hormone on peak Expiratory Flow Rate (PEFR %). The study involved 50  healthy  in  follicular  phase  (group  A)  and  59  healthy premenopausal  women  in luteal phase (group B). PEFR % was higher in luteal phase in compared to follicular phase of premenopausal women, the relationship was  significant (p&lt;0.01, r= 0.992).Serum progesterone level was higher in luteal phasein compared to follicular phase of  premenopausal  women  (P&lt;0.05).  There  were  a  significant  positive  correlation between PEFR % and progesterone level in group A (P&lt;0.01, r= 0.859)) and group B  )p&lt; 0.01, r= 0.995).Therefore, the normal cyclical progesterone hormone level should took considerably in interpretation of PEFR% . Keyword: progesterone Hormone, peak Expiratory Flow Rate, follicular phase, luteal phas